About Wireless Technologies
Who Are We
Wireless Technologies (WTE Limited) specialises in the development and production of innovative radio and automation products. WTE's portfolio includes radio products and systems design, from fire service and ambulance systems to satellite data distributions.
What We Do
We design and manufacture radio products for use in a range of applications - from general SCADA monitoring and control in industry to emergency services communication systems.
We are expert in the development of paging equipment and protocols. We design and develop the products that we sell, and are able to customise both hardware and firmware to meet any special requirements.
WTE Limited is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Wireless Technologies' founding engineers have a long history of embedded, wireless, general consumer and safety product development.
In addition to local awards WTE engineers have received Australasian innovation recognition in the EDN Innovation awards - “Best Use of a Microcontroller” runner up and “Communications” category winner for the invention and application of a new radio modulation method.
We hold a range of patents for various radio technologies that have been developed - in particular relating to our receivers that allow them to operate with such an exceptionally low power consumption.
In July 2017 WTE Limited purchased IP owned by Micro Technologies (NZ) Limited, the original developer of the MT-RX Receiver range.
WTE Engineers' Know-how
Previous projects/products include:
Wireless Technologies (WTE Limited) specialises in the development and production of innovative radio and automation products. WTE's portfolio includes radio products and systems design, from fire service and ambulance systems to satellite data distributions.
What We Do
We design and manufacture radio products for use in a range of applications - from general SCADA monitoring and control in industry to emergency services communication systems.
We are expert in the development of paging equipment and protocols. We design and develop the products that we sell, and are able to customise both hardware and firmware to meet any special requirements.
WTE Limited is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Wireless Technologies' founding engineers have a long history of embedded, wireless, general consumer and safety product development.
In addition to local awards WTE engineers have received Australasian innovation recognition in the EDN Innovation awards - “Best Use of a Microcontroller” runner up and “Communications” category winner for the invention and application of a new radio modulation method.
We hold a range of patents for various radio technologies that have been developed - in particular relating to our receivers that allow them to operate with such an exceptionally low power consumption.
In July 2017 WTE Limited purchased IP owned by Micro Technologies (NZ) Limited, the original developer of the MT-RX Receiver range.
WTE Engineers' Know-how
Previous projects/products include:
- Swarm Satellite Uplink Pest Trap Monitoring - WTE have deployed remote pest trap monitoring systems, currently used in sensitive conservation areas to control rat populations. These installations feature very long battery life for transmitters and repeaters. Excellent range and performance for WTE low power transmitters has now been well established.
- VHF and UHF Voice, DTMF, FSK and POCSAG transceivers - These products have been designed for accurate control and telemetry over long distances. Used for signalling, telemetry and paging systems.
- Nurse Call Systems - Development of call button hardware and out of the room light indicators. Systems designed to operate in over-crowded and noisy RF environments. Systems with more than 1000 transmitters in the same building have been installed are are currently in use. Low power transmitters have been designed to operate for extended periods of time without the need to change batteries.
- Satellite Link System - Satellite system used by emergency (fire and ambulance) currently in use in New Zealand. WTE engineers have been responsible for:
- Concept and solution to provide nationwide emergency messaging.
- Hardware design build, test and deployment of satellite up-link (encoder).
- Hardware design, prototype, manufacturing documentation and test of the satellite receiver (decoder).
- System integration with clients infrastructure.
- RF Safety Barrier - With the use of narrow angle tuned antennas and fast response proprietary design transceivers, an RF "barrier" was invented, implemented and tested to detect the passing of vehicles across a road with up to 5 lanes. This has been used as part of worksite safety equipment that alerts workers when a site was breached by an unauthorized vehicle.
- System Components for Tsunami Alert - From desktop siren controllers to data decoders used to automate a Tsunami Alert System. System has been fully deployed in coastal areas and a Pacific Island.
- Worksite Protection Systems - Designed and implemented worksite safety systems for road and railways within New Zealand. WTE engineers have been responsible for:
- Worksite system evaluation and design.
- Development of rail sensors for detecting rail vehicle direction and speed.
- Transceivers for providing voice, tele-control and messaging.
- Portable alerting units.
- Portable Repeaters.
- Mining Worksite Safety System - In this system transceivers were developed that were placed in the cab of each mining vehicle. Alerts could be raised by any vehicle within a work zone to stop all activity in a mining zone in critical conditions.
- SPOT Satellite Messenger, Man-Overboard Hardware Development - Contracted to extend the SPOT messenger to act as a water activated man-overboard unit.
- Selcall Audio DSP hardware design and software for digital signal processing. This has been deployed to control New Zealand fire service systems with their radio network.
- Desktop Selcall Callout Units - These units were developed to be used within emergency call rooms to callout fire appliances even without computer equipment.
- Man-Overboard Transmitter Collaboration - Designed embedded system and firmware for a water activated man-overboard product. Invented a new transmission modulation method to embed data in a repeating distress signal. This invention won an Australasian Technology communications award.
- POCSAG Paging Receivers. Many paging receivers for decoding of POCSAG messages and relay control. The range of designs include coin cell pendant receivers, hospitality coasters, relay controllers and receivers as system components.
- Multi IO board Controllers - Hardware and firmware for the control of digital and analog monitoring and control of inputs and outputs.
- 406 Emergency Beacon Encoders and Decoders - Many years of experience with 406 Beacon protocols and products used in search and rescue applications.
- Paging transmitters. Complete development and type approval of multiple paging transmitters from low to high power. These include keyring transmitters through to higher power transmitters used as repeaters and system components.
- DTMF Paging Phone Products - DTMF, dial in voice prompted systems for use in sending paging messages and control of outputs.
- AIS Products - For decoding Ship positions and providing collision avoidance alerts.
- 121.5MHz Emergency Location Products - Used for alerting and final location of 406 Emergency Beacons.
- Man-Overboard Systems - For Alerting and integration with Chartplotters - Including patent held for alerting technology invented.
- DMR - Hardware and software for support of DMR radios for direct messaging.